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Personal Dosimetry of UV

Personal Dosimetry of UV Erythema Effective Radiation Exposure

App. 013

General Assessment Ideas

The assessment of erythema-effective radiation exposure is usually based on data recorded by stationary measuring devices, but this does not replicate the actual exposure experienced in most real situations. The measurement of UV irradiation experienced by outdoor workers, for example, requires personal dosimeters – see references [1]–[8].  Outdoor sports players may also be subjected to relatively high doses of UV [9].

Measurement Equipment

Because of the different activities of the selected target groups, the solar irradiance levels experienced are changing continually throughout the day. Therefore, suitable dosimeters must provide data logging with high measurement rates and large data storage capacity. With the X2012 as the successor to the X2000 data logger, Gigahertz Optik GmbH demonstrates its expertise as a project partner for custom research projects in optical radiation measurement technology.


[1] Effective exposure to solar UV in building workers: influence of local and individual factors

[2] Occupational Exposure to Solar Ultraviolet Radiation of Polish Outdoor Workers

[3] Gefährdung durch UV-Strahlung:  Sammlung von Expositionsdaten

[4] Measured Anatomical Distributions of Solar UVR on Strawberry Production Workers in Italy

[5] Exposure of Arctic Field Scientists to Ultraviolet Radiation Evaluated Using Personal Dosimeters

[6] UV-monitoring at outdoor workplaces - A base for well-balanced health prevention regulations, UVNews 8, August 2006, pp56-58

[7] Higher body anatomical distribution of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation on farm workers

[8] Sun Safety at Work - Canada 

[9] UV Exposure of Tennis Players

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